Adult Life Coaching

May 2, 2024 | News

Self Discovery with Vicky Anne

Find what makes you smile by reconnecting with your inner self and identifying your true life purpose

personalised packages can help you with:

  • Restoring balance and fulfilment in your life and your family
  • Achieving personal goals
  • Preparing for or overcoming a major life/career change
  • Boosting motivation and overcoming low mood, stress, lack of confidence or self-esteem
  • Recovering from ill health
  • Overcoming fears, phobias or emotional blocks

What does a coach do?

Support & Enable

Provides ongoing support throughout and enables you to hold yourself accountable.

Identify & Plan

Helps you identify clear personal goals and plan out a pathway that works best for you.

Motivate & Inspire

Uses a range of techniques to help motivate and inspire you to achieve your goals and overcome barriers.

Book a free initial consultation to find out how investing in yourself can change your life.
Sessions can be online or face-to-face depending on location.

“I am so grateful to have found Vicky when I did; her coaching services were entirely necessary to help me get out of my stagnant way of thinking and lend a new perspective to my work / life balance”