NHS Help & Advice
Pharmacy Help
A-Z Resources
Click on a link for more information or scroll down the page.
Age UK | Alcohol and Drugs | Autism and ADHD | Bereavement | Cancer | Carers | Citizens Advice Bureau | Childline | Domestic Abuse | Education, Employment and Learning | Family Resources | Fibromyalgia | Financial Advice | Food Banks | Gambling | Housing | LGBTQ+ | Men’s Health | Menopause | Mental Health and Wellbeing | Metabolic Health and Lifestyle | Online Safety | Pregnancy and Early Childhood | Samaritans | Transport | Young People’s Services
Age UK
Alcohol and Drugs
Drug addiction: getting help – NHS
Drug and Alcohol Services– Inclusion
Find Support Near You– Talk to Frank Finding support – Adfam
Welcome to UKNA –Narcotics Anonymous UK Alzheimer’s and Dementia
alzheimers disease– NHS Alzheimers.org.uk dementiauk.org
Autism and ADHD
autism.org.uk childautism.org.uk ambitiousaboutautism.org.uk autism support– NHS adhduk.co.uk actionforchildren.org.uk
Bereavement Help and Support– Gov.UK
Cancer Resources– East Hants PCN
connecttosupporthampshire.org.uk/carers carercentre.com carerstogether.org.uk Young Carers:
Carers UK: carersuk.org
Hampshire Young Carers Alliance: hyca.org.uk The Childrens Society: childrenssociety.org.uk
Young carers Hampshire County Council: youngcarers
Citizens Advice Bureau
Call 0800 1111
Domestic Abuse
Getting Help for Domestic Violence–NHS
What is Domestic Abuse?–Woman’s Aid
Refuge, the largest UK domestic abuse organisation for women
0808 2000 247 Refuge freephone, 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline
LGBT+ Victims
National Helpline for LGBT+ Victims and Survivors of Abuse and Violence 0800 999 5428
Karma Nirvana
Working to end Honour Based Abuse in the UK
karmanirvana.org UK Helpline: 0800 5999 247 stop–forced–marriage gov.uk Men
https://mankind.org.uk/ mensadviceline.org
Male Victims of Domestic Abuse – 01823 334244
People with Disabilities
Disability and Domestic Abuse– Ann Craft Trust
Supporting Victims of Domestic Abuse:
Supporting a survivor | Refuge National Domestic Abuse Helpline nationaldahelpline.org.uk
Education, Employment and Learning
Employment, Training and Education– Hants.Gov
Hampshire Learns– Hants Gov Hampshire Libraries princes–trust.org.uk
Family Resources
Connect 4 Communities connect4communities Hampshire Hampshire Healthy Families: hampshirehealthyfamilies.org.
Family Information and Services Hub (FISH):
NHS Choices: NHS YouTube channel Videos covering parenting, family relationships, child development and health and wellbeing.
What even is Fibro YouTube Video
Financial Advice
Citizens Advice Bureau:
Cost of living Support: easthants.gov.uk/cost–living–support
Debt: stepchange.org
Money Helper – Find your way forward:
Opening a Bank Account if you are from Ukraine:
Food Banks
Alton Food Bank:
Alton Food Bank, 15 Market Square, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 1HD
For more information or if you would like to make a referral, please contact Ian Dene by email: info@alton.foodbank.org.uk phone:
Bordon Food Bank
For more information or if you would like to make a referral, please contact Heather Ford by email: heatherbford@gmail.com
Phone: 07966 522911.
Bordon food bank Facebook profile
Clanfield Mobile Food Bank
The FareShare mobile food larder open to all across the area at The Clanfield Centre every Thursday 1-2:30pm. You can join this membership scheme to help make your money go further and help prevent food waste too. Email fssoutherncentral@fareshare.org.uk for more information.
Headley Food Bank
Eddeys Lane, Headley Down, Bordon GU35 8HU, United Kingdom
For more information or if you would like to make a referral, please contact Pauline Firman by email paulinestfrancis@aol.com or phone 01428 714095. Headley food bank website
Horndean & Clanfield Food Bank
For more information or if you would like to make a referral, please contact Sam Ackerman or Liz Knell by email foodbank@horndeanbaptistchurch.org or phone 07914 504715.
Horndean & Clanfield food bank website
Horndean & Clanfield food bank Facebook profile
Liphook Food Bank
For more information or if you would like to make a referral, please contact Zoe Wright by email liphookfoodbank@gmail.com
or phone 07779 195924. Liphook food bank website
Liss Food Bank
For more information or if you would like to make a referral, please contact Nigel Drury by email nigeltdrury@aol.com
or text to 07598 949379; or Sarah Wright on 07741455041. Liss food bank Facebook profile
Petersfield Food Bank
For more information or if you would like to make a referral, please
email referrals@pactfoodbank.org.uk Petersfield food bank website
Petersfield food bank Facebook profile
Woodlands Community Hall
The FareShare Southern Central is working in partnership with Citizens Advice on this mobile food larder open to all across the area at Woodlands Community Hall car park every Tuesday from 1pm to 2.30pm, to support individuals, giving them access to good quality food.
You can join this membership scheme to help make your money go
further and help prevent food waste too. Email fssoutherncentral@fareshare.org.uk for more information.
Local Community Pantries
Anyone can become a pantry member and receive discounted food for a small weekly fee (e.g. £5 membership for £15 worth of items). The list of pantries in each district is available on the Community pantries – Hampshire webpage of the connect4communities website: connect4communities@hants.gov.uk
You will need to contact or visit the pantry directly to sign up.
Sacred Heart Community Pantry, Bordon
Alton Community Cupboard, Alton
Cafe 1759 Community Pantry, Bordon The Free Shop, Petersfield
Help for problems with gambling – NHS gamcare.org begambleaware.org.uk gamblersanonymous.org.uk gamfam.org.uk
Citizens Advice Bureau citizensadvice.org
Hampshire County Council http://www.hants.gov.uk/cold–spots
Breakout Youth: Breakout Youth
Hampshire LGBTQ+ Alliance: Hampshire LGBTQ Alliance
LGBTQ+ Directory of Services: LGBTQ+Directory of Services Lets Talk About It NHS
LGBTQ+ Hampshire: LGBTQ Groups Hampshire–Meet Up
LGBTQ+ Youth Hampshire: LGBTQ+Youth Support Hampshire
Mind: About LGBTQIA+ and mental health – Mind
Stonewall: Stonewall
Men’s Health
Check your risk in 30 seconds | Prostate Cancer UK
DIY Man MOT | Men’s Health Forum
Find A Shed Men’s Sheds Association
Sport in Mind – the UK mental health sports charity
Menopause–NHS themenopausecharity.org
Menopause Matters Menopausesupport.co.uk menoflock.com
Mental Health and Wellbeing
East Hants Mental Health Support
Five ways to Wellbeing | Hampshire County Council Future In Mind
The Good Mental Health Handbook
Metabolic Health and Lifestyle
Health conditions | British Nutritional Foundation
Online Safety
Technology is a part of daily life. New apps, games and devices are being launched all the time. This can be confusing for adults as well as children and young people to keep track of and be safe while online.
Below are resources from trusted well known charities and companies to keep everyone safe, informed and supported.
Children and young people – UK Safer Internet Centre
Harmful Content Online: An Explainer
How to set up parental controls on Google Play – Google Play Help
Online and mobile safety | Childline
Parents and Carers – UK Safer Internet Centre
Set up devices e–safety checklist | Internet Matters
Social media guides – UK Safer Internet Centre
Use parental controls on your child’s iPhone, iPad and iPod touch – Apple Support (UK)
Use Parental Controls to Keep Your Child Safe NSPCC getonlineweek.com
Pregnancy and Early Childhood
Breast Feeding Support–The Breastfeeding Network
Childhood Vaccination: Vaccinations–NHS
Domestic abuse in pregnancy – NHS
Perinatal Mental Health: Perinatal Mental Health–Southern Health
Pregnancy NHS Advice: Pregnancy–NHS
If you have been diagnosed with cancer while pregnant or within 12 months of giving birth or a baby loss due to a cancer diagnosis Mummy’s Star can offer help and advice. Mummys Star.org
Community Transport:
East Hants Community Transport
Options for over 65’s
Contact email: travelforall@atkinsglobal.com call: 07806 775089
Public Transport: Public transport | Hampshire County Council
Cheap moped loan service Wheels to Work
Young People’s Services
childline.org.uk 0800 11 11