Accepting New Patients

Are you looking to register with a GP? Clanfield Practice, Pinehill Surgery in Bordon and The Grange Surgery in Petersfield are currently accepting new patients. Please contact our friendly staff who will help you register with us.” and the links to the surgeries please.

Social Prescribing is a way in which we can help patients to link with a range of local, non-medical activities, they give patients time to focus on ‘What Matters to me’ and taking a holistic approach to health and well-being,

Our Physiotherapist can help patients with musculoskeletal issues such as back, neck and joint pain by: Assessing and diagnosing issues. Giving expert advice on how best to manage their conditions by creating a treatment plan.

Health and Wellbeing Coaches work alongside patients to coach and motivate, supporting them to become active participants in their own care by self-identifying their needs, setting goals, and implementing their personalised health and care plan.

Dieticians are healthcare professionals that diagnose and treat diet and nutritional problems, both at an individual patient and wider public health level.

Our pharmacists work with and alongside the GPS within the PCN and take responsibility to clinically assess and treat patients using expert knowledge of medicines. All Pharmacists are qualified Prescribers.

Our mental health practitioner is provided under a local service agreement by the MIND mental health services and embedded within the PCN.

Our Mental Health and Wellbeing Coach will work on a 1-1 basis with young people aged 11-18 years identified by the GP’s and Social Prescribers.

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, or you are seeking to support someone with cancer, below is a list of useful links for information about cancer, and the various forms of help and support available.

East Hants Primary Care Network

The Right Care at the Right Time from the Right Person

East Hants PCN is a group of GP practices who are working together with a range of local providers including those across primary care, community services, social care and the voluntary sector to offer more personalised and coordinated health and social care to our local population. We work together to develop and deliver plans, process and people top provide resilience to General Practice within East Hants and support our local practices.

Find out more

Prostate Cancer Risk checker

1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer. If you’re over 50, or you’re black, or your dad or brother had it, you’re at even higher risk.

Prostate cancer is not always life-threatening. But when it is, the earlier you catch it the more likely it is to be cured.

Answer three quick questions to check your risk.



Heatwave: how to cope in hot weather

Most of us welcome hot weather, but when it’s too hot, there are health risks. During heatwaves, more people than usual get seriously ill or die. If hot weather hits this summer, make sure it does not harm you or anyone you know.

Discover How to Cope

sunshine and grass

Tick Bites – Self Treating

Ticks are small, spider-like creatures which feed on the blood of birds and mammals, including humans. They are common in the New Forest and can be found anywhere outdoors, such as grassy or wooded areas.

  • Ticks can bite you anywhere on your body, including in your hair, so using insect repellent, staying to clearly defined paths when walking, and regular ‘tick checks’ are important.
  • It’s important to remove ticks as quickly and as safely as possible as they can sometimes cause localised infection.
  • Click the link below find instructions about what to do if you are bitten by a tick.

Tick Bites Guide

sunshine and grass

At many GP surgeries, there is a range of health professionals who can help you. In this film, three children go behind the scenes at a general practice to meet some of those health professionals.