Bordons Menopause Cafe!

September 14, 2023 | News

7.30-9pm | St Mark’s Church, Pinehill Road, Bordon

Free to Attend

Bordon’s Menopause Café is aimed at breaking down the stigma around menopause and increasing awareness of the impact of the menopause on those experiencing it

A Menopause Cafe is a lively discussion group, open to all ages and genders: no talks, no experts, topics are chosen by participants.

Cafe Host Katerina Kivell says, “As a Menopause Health Coach I work with women who are navigating the perimenopause and menopause phase in their life. During this new phase, there are so many lifestyle changes that can make a positive change to their individual but one of the common theme I have seen is the need to talk! Women need to speak about their experiences as it really helps to know that others are experiencing the same symptoms and experiences. It gives them comfort and confidence.”

For more information please contact organiser:

Kat Kivell, Menopause Health Coach

Blood Pressure UK – How to measure your blood pressure at home – YouTube

menopause cafe