Saturday Club – Early Onset Dementia support group
Who are we?
Saturday Club is an Activity Group for anyone with a diagnosis of Young Onset Dementia (aged 65 and under) and their carer, family member or friend.
What do we do?
You decide!
From ideas put forward by those that attend, we put together a programme of activities ranging from a day by the sea or a picnic in a country park to reminiscence, music or art & craft.
All this takes place in a supportive environment, with the support of volunteers with a knowledge and experience of dementia.
When and where do we meet?
We meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month. During the winter months we usually meet at ‘The Link’ (Cosham Baptist Church). During the summer months we are usually out and about.
For further information or to access the group, please contact Cliff Cropley (Group Facilitator) by Tel: 07870 866114 or Email: