Know Your Numbers! – Blood Pressure

August 22, 2023 | News

4-10th September

Did you know that getting a blood pressure check is the first step to preventing heart attacks and strokes?

Around a third of people in the UK have high blood pressure, but most don’t know it. It doesn’t have any symptoms so the only way to find out is to have a blood pressure check.

Knowing your numbers means you can start making healthy lifestyle changes or start taking medicines if you need them to bring your blood pressure down to a healthy level.

It’s never too early OR late to start checking your blood pressure. You can take steps to know your numbers and lower it if it’s high no matter how old you are.

Home monitoring is an effective and inexpensive way to keep blood pressure under control and the evidence behind it continues to get stronger. It offers a way for YOU to take control of your health, feel confident, and take the pressure off the NHS at the same time. It gives you a practical way to know your numbers without visiting your GP, practice nurse, or pharmacist in person. It puts you in the driver’s seat, and it really can save lives.

Your GP surgery or pharmacy can advise you about home monitoring.

NHS Online and Blood Pressure UK also have lots of information available.

High blood pressure (hypertension) – NHS (

Blood Pressure UK

Blood Pressure UK – How to measure your blood pressure at home – YouTube
